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About Us

Bedworth Community Gardens has been transformed with the addition of a new purpose built cafe and training centre so that the trainees who attend have the opportunity to be part of a sustainable project that enhances their local community.

We encourage local community and voluntary groups to work with us at these sites as we believe that the people that we support will gain from greater interaction and opportunities.

Seasonal Plants & Vegetables

We sell a wide range of plants, flowers and gardening accessories all year round, including quality Christmas Trees and Hanging Baskets at competitive prices!

We also offer seasonal items such as vegetables, fruits and herbs grown on site, including fresh tomatoes, peppers, mint and much more. The Mayor’s Cafe, our popular on-site vegetarian cafe, uses the freshest ingredients grown in our gardens to prepare the most delicious meals!

Horticultural Therapy

At Bedworth Community Gardens we offer flexible day placements and individual support. The Therapy engages our trainees in gardening and plant-based activities that help to ease stress, improve well-being, promote social interaction and achieve individual’s goals.

If you wish to enquire more or to book a placement please call us on: 07825080500

Opening Times

Monday – Friday: 9am – 3:30pm
Weekend: Closed


Contact Us

T: 078250 80500

Bedworth Community Gardens
Miners’ Welfare Park
Rye Piece Ringway
CV12 8JT