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Our Official Opening

Celebration event marks a New Beginning for People in Action.

Thursday 5th October saw the official opening of our Head Office located in the Bermuda Park Industrial Estate, Nuneaton. MP Marcus Jones, along with Councillor Brian Hammersley and The High Sherriff of Warwickshire, Sophie Hilleary, joined People in Action Chairman Jeff Hunt, staff and customers to officially open the Office and cut the ribbon.

The move back to our roots, having originally formed in Nuneaton and called Nuneaton Joint Homes, marks a new beginning for the not-for-profit Charity.

Jeff Hunt, People in Action Chairman had the following to say:

“We are delighted to have found a location that allows us to remain within the area, and it is only a short distance away from our old building. Unfortunately excessive proposed rents by private landlords at our previous building meant we had to explore all our options. However, this site is fantastic and a great deal of hard work has gone into the logistics from renovating & moving our operations over in a short space of time, so I can only thank each staff member for their support and commitment.

Over the past twenty-four months we have invested into our services & staff teams – this new building will give our staff the ability to work together more effectively in a modern facility along with the customers we support on a day-to-day basis. The increased space has positively impacted all departments, including our Day Opportunities offerings, providing three modern rooms for various sessions”.

MP Marcus Jones, Councillor Brian Hammersley and High Sherrif Sophie Hilleary toured the building viewing the open plan working spaces, multiple meeting and training rooms before joining in the Day opportunities sessions, with MP Marcus Jones having been challenged to a game of pool!

For more information on the support services we provide, or to book a Day Opportunities session please call 02476 643776.

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